Sam (Sheena Tudor's son)
Blenheim Palace
21 x 29 cm
Snoopy came into our life as a black ball of fluff with a beautiful white love hart on her nose, reflecting her personality perfectly. She is the most loving dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She was meant to be company for our male spaniel Charlie; however, he was not keen at all. He tolerated her for a while then she came into season – oh gosh did things change! He simply couldn’t work it out. We did want to breed from them but not for three years or so but at just two years Snoopy came into season again and we put her in some fancy nappies which were black with little red love harts on, hoping that this would stop Charlie getting to her. I am sure it was the love harts that did it for Snoopy as Charlie got to her and our first litter of puppies were on their way.
The puppies came early one morning, seven in all. What we couldn’t get over was how mother nature kicked in! Snoopy was an amazing mum. Charlie was not allowed anywhere near her or the puppies until they were weaned. Charlie and Snoopy then went on to have two more litters, a total of 23 puppies.
Lockdown tails…
We happened to have our second litter in lockdown, and we felt so lucky to spend 24/7 with the puppies and their parents. It was a crazy busy time with eight little puppies running around Snoopy who was unbelievable yet again, such a great mum.
As for life’s journey, we sadly lost Charlie earlier this year. It was so unexpected, and we were heartbroken, but the consolation is that we have made so many families happy and there are Charlie and Snoopy look alikes everywhere. Loki Forest and Neo Ray Raven, who are part of this exhibition, are from our first litter and are Charlie and Snoopy in a nutshell.
Sheena Tudor