Keith Hamill
Town Hall steps, Market Place
30 x 45 cm
Both Bowie and Jagger mean everything to me; they are quite literally two extra children, and both have completely different personalities.
Bowie is happy, smiley, hugely loving and optimistic, four traits he learnt from me. I’ve learnt to try and maximise these traits as much as I can.
Jagger is grumpy, stubborn, selfish and pessimistic, four traits she has learnt from me. I’ve learnt to try and minimise these traits as much as I can.
Lockdown tails…
At the start of lockdown, we had one elderly Border Terrier who hid when she sensed the possibility of any walk over 15 minutes. So I started to have to do long walks by myself but it really didn’t feel right, and the thought of a second dog was born. We looked and looked and then one January evening we found Bowie – the one black sibling from a litter of six. Suddenly my walking regime moved into overdrive and I even had to start running again just to tire him out and manage his energy levels.
As Jagger has continued to slow, her main walk is now just around the graveyard but
Bowie walks off her lead a lot. We were in a large field area once, partitioned by hedges. As I turned a corner, there Bowie was and on we went. Several minutes later I realised Bowie had a different collar on – we had met his doppelgänger, Alfred.
Keith Hamill