Cat Stranks
Water Meadows, Brook Hill
87 x 130 cm
Coco’s story in Woodstock started some 13 years ago arriving in her dad’s chariot, sitting proudly on his lap. Since then and within her human family, she has grown to firmly take the driving seat! She came to our home as a surprise, one I was very much unprepared for, but knew immediately that it was a surprise with a difference, a new life joining ours! I then started to understand the term ‘top dog’!
Coco was a very quick learner, always on the go, wanting to explore, discover new places and smells, but more importantly have lots of fun. She has enjoyed many beach holidays, following her dad out to sea as he swam and I desperately shouting for her to come back, worried she would come to harm. But not Coco, oh no! She has never shown fear but instead always retained a strong sense of exploration. When in the Pyrenees on a walking adventure, she thought it a great craic when her Ma and Pa had to be rescued from a mountain top – obviously Coco was not embarrassed by the experience at all!
We love our girl for many reasons. She has always given us the purpose to get outdoors, whatever the weather! She has adored discovering the magnificent heritage site of Blenheim Palace but loves the fields beyond much more as they allow her the biggest sense of freedom and fun. Her most favourite past-time is swimming, particularly in the Glyme or in the nearby brooks of the beautiful villages of Wootton and Stonesfield.
Lockdown tails…
During lockdown, COVID-19 brought a different way of life for us all, with huge restrictions and rules and one not previously experienced by my generation. However, thanks to the ‘power of the dog’, we as a family were still able to go out and explore the great outdoors.
Coco’s personality is one of humour and love, demonstrating great loyalty and just as she depends on us, we dote on her – after all, love is ‘boundless’!
Coco has too many funny stories to share! However, she is quite well known by her other name, ‘Corky’! Coco soon discovered as a puppy just how much fun it could be when a bottle of wine or Prosecco went POP! Oh yes, lots of fun – us humans would throw the cork and it was retrieved as fast as it was chucked… again and again. And so it continues, at the sound of a POP wherever we are – our now, old girl, will want to play ‘Corky’.
She is reaching her mature years now, preferring gentle ambles but still very much remaining the top dog of her home and her street, still loving corky, naturally a tad slower, but her love of life and affection for us remain undiminished!
Cat Stranks