Kate and Mark Jenkins
Blenheim Palace
30 x 30 cm
We waited a long time to get a dog – a lot of careful consideration went in to picking the right breed. We had a book that the children in the family used to look through and put a post-it note on the pages of the dogs that they liked. Only one rule – nothing smaller than a ruler. Then my husband came home one night and declared ‘I’ve found it. An Irish Terrier!’ We then read an article in a magazine about how fearless they are, how they will walk for miles, are great swimmers, carry their beds around with them and are the best, most loyal friend you could wish for. Well, at least the last two proved to be true!
From behind a door, Seamus sounds fearless that’s for sure but once you come in, he will bring you a towel or a blanket. Oh no, you can’t have it. That’s for him to sit on as he leans against you.
Swimming… mmmmm… more of a paddle up to the knees. Maybe a little deeper if it’s a very good stick to retrieve but as for those dogs leaping in, what are they doing?!
Walking can be great as long as it’s in Blenheim and includes every tree where he has ever seen, heard or smelt a rabbit. Other than that, you will find us standing all over Woodstock. Often going nowhere at all but just waiting for someone to greet us with the words: ‘Ah, the famous Seamus’. Thank you to all the people who have helped to encourage and cajole Seamus to take a certain route. But there are no feet stickier when his mind is made up. ‘Let’s see Lyn’ used to at least get us as far as Martha’s Attic but then lockdown came, and he quickly became wise to that! And boy is Seamus wise. He can count. He knows how many biscuits he has had and if it’s not the right amount… oh boy. Even the vet said to me ‘the problem is Kate, he is just too clever’, a reference to when my kitchen looked like an episode from Breaking Bad, trying to disguise medication so that Seamus would eat it.
But for all his eccentricities, he is without doubt the most loyal, loveable friend you could ever wish for and we wouldn’t be without him.
Over the last few years, we have lost several beloved family members. There is no short cut to grief; it sits and stays with you until the days become a little easier. Seamus was a constant source of comfort though, sitting and leaning against you when company was needed, even sitting on your lap if he felt it necessary. A willing companion when some therapeutic walking was required, he instinctively knows when you need him to simply be alongside, and sometimes that’s all we need.
Lockdown tails…
During lockdown, Seamus was a lifeline. As everything around us closed and stopped, the everyday pleasure of walking in Blenheim was immense. Even socially distant dog walkers are a friendly bunch giving a comforting and cheery wave. Seamus likes nothing more than to stop, stand and listen and it’s amazing what you notice when you do. We certainly found a new appreciation of the scents and sounds of nature. We are all in such a rush aren’t we? Life moves at such a pace. We must miss so much.
Take your time, pause, stay awhile, enjoy the journey. Be more Seamus.
Kate Jenkins